Back Electrode Pad Placement
Follow the pictographic for proper back electrode pad placement. For best results, keep to the size of electrode pads shown in the pictographic: large and/or small. Unless you have other specific medical instruction, follow the placement directions in the photos. ExcelHealth, Inc. assumes no responsibility for electrode pad positioning in any other manner.

When applying the electrode pads to the lower back, it may be best to have another assist you when possible to assure accurate placement. To treat only one side, place two pads from Channel 1 on either side of the painful area. Pads can be placed at any angle as long as they are two to three inches apart. To treat two sides, please place two pads from Channel 1 and two pads from Channel 2 on each side of the spine at the lower back. Intensity levels can be adjusted differently between Channels 1 and 2.